Maintained for more than 30 years as a service to the world's
Badminton community.
USA Badminton Museum is open!
All Badminton packrats out there are encouraged to dig out their stacks of
tournament programs, flyers, newsletters, photos, videos and anything else
that can be digitized and added to the museum.
30 YEARS AND COUNTING! - this site has
been serving the Badminton community for 30 years now, making it one of
the oldest Badminton sites in existence. The museum
is the current focus and it is starting to get fleshed out. |
HHS Team
General Information
- What is Badminton?
- How to Run a Competition
- Online Tools and Software
- Tournament Software- Full range of features. Very widely used for
badminton as well as other sports.
- Clubs Caddy - full featured
club management, including mobile apps. [11AUG2018]
- Club Website - create
league and club websites. Designed for football but works fine for
Badminton. [13NOV2014]
- Teamer online team management.
Organize and communicate with team [13OCT2008]
- more...
- Training and Coaching (more)
- Badminton Training
Tips Jago Holmes' books covering conditioning,
shot production, general training, injuries and more. [8SEP2010]
- How to Play
Badminton Rules, techniques, skills, strategies and tips for choosing the right badminton equipment. [8JAN2012]
- How to Play Badminton
Simplified explanation for the beginner. [22FEB2018]
- Finding Training/Coaching
- Technology
- Coollang Sports - Badminton
Racket Tracer - capture full racket movement history for later
analysis. [27APR2015]
- Online Resources
Badminton Weekly
- Badminton coach in Denmark provides text and video covering
beginner level skills through expert level trick shots. [01AUG2022]
Sikana - How to Play Badminton - A set of videos that outline all
aspects of learning the basics. [29NOV2021]
Master Badminton -
David Tee's site offers broad range of information for beginning
players. [10JAN2017]
Badminton Coaching -
Rashanlal Nahal's online resources. India. [09MAR2016]
Badminton Training
- Diemo Ruhnow's online resources. Full training material including videos
and much more. [08MAR2016]
Badminton Coach - Paul Stewart's online resources. Videos, equipment
reviews, forums, etc. [08MAR2016]
Badminton Connect -
Training videos from world-class coaches. [08MAR2016]
PE Badminton Basics -
introductory level badminton training. [08MAR2016]
Coaching Badminton - instructional videos for players and coaches. [09MAR2016]
Online Badminton Coach subscription based 24-7 coaching
available online from Malaysia. [14OCT2015]
BWF Coaching Videos
Videos to support the BWF Coaches Education courses. [08APR2015]
training videos from the pros. Technical, tactical and physical
exercises demonstrated by and designed for all ages and abilities. [26OCT2009]
- General Conditioning - not badminton specific but very likely useful
Calisthenics -
general purpose strength and flexibility training
Physical Training - application of general physical training
to Badminton. [29JAN2018]
Body Weight Exercises - general workout without using any equipment
Man vs
Weight - comprehensive listing of calisthenics and exercises with
full video and text descriptions. [26SEP2016]
- Methods
to help build speed. Applicable to Badminton as well as many other
Flexibility - General flexibility training.
- Stretching
- [20JUL2009]
- Fitness - General fitness
and workouts. [29JAN2018]
Strength - Good introduction to strength training
Diet and nutrition for badminton. [29JAN2018]
- Badminton Bible Mike Hopley's badminton reference site
including textual and visual instruction on topics such as: [25JAN2008]
- BadmintonIsgreat
- General information about the sport itself. Aimed at beginners but
useful for all. Good collection of tips.[07MAR2020]
- Badminton Information
- rules, drills, strategies and much more.
- ClearOneBadminton
Elite Training, News and more, Vancouver BC
Coaching Badminton -
extensive video instructional material [24OCT2013]
- NCCP - Canada's National
Coaching Certification - covers general coaching as well as specifics for many sports
including badminton [21AUG2014]
- Badminton Tips
selected notes from Prospeed's Cheong Weng Kwai [06MAR2020]
Badminton Books
Jake Downey has authored numerous badminton books and is now publishing them
- The Badminton Coach online
coaching, fitness, and other badminton information.
- Instructional Videos
- HL
- various skills [26MAR2020]
- Drills Videos Showing many
common Drills
- Tips for Coaching and Training
- Backhand Technique
- Badminton Eye
- General Technique
- animations and textual hints [08JUL2000]
- Misc
- Reference
- Books
- International
Badminton World Federation The official world body. [27NOV2010]
- BAC Asian Badminton
- BCA Badminton Confederation
of Africa [22JUN2017]
- BEC Badminton Europe [16AUG2014]
- BOC Badminton Oceania
- BPAF Pan American
Badminton Federation [18JUL2009]
- North America
Pan American Badminton Regional organization [18JUL2009]
World Badminton League
professional players in organized teams. [21NOV2014]
- Canada (BC) Badminton Canada -
National Organization
Canada provinces have their own organizations as to major population
CMBA Canadian
Masters Badminton Association [25JUN2014]
BCanPA Badminton Canada Players Association [01DEC2014]
- BA Badminton Alberta [30OCT2010]
- BC Badminton Calgary
- EDBA Edmonton and District
Badminton Association [08AUG2014]
- BBC Badminton B.C. [22NOV2005]
- BV Badminton
Victoria [25SEP2014]
- KBA Kamloops Badminton Association
- LMBA Lower Mainland Badminton
Association [18JUL2009]
MBA Manitoba Badminton Association [10NOV1999]
- NB Badminton
New Brunswick [19AUG2014]
- BNL Badminton
Newfoundland and Labrador [25SEP2014]
- NWT Northwest Territories
Badminton Association [19AUG2014]
- BNS Badminton Nova Scotia
- was previously: NS
Nova Scotia Badminton Association [02OCT2016]
- OBA Ontario Badminton Association [19AUG2014]
- FBC Federation
of Badminton Clubs [01SEP2015]
- GBDBA Georgian Bay District
Badminton Association
- TDBA Toronto and District
Badminton Association [22AUG2014]
- COBA Central Ontario Badminton Association [22AUG2014]
- WOBA Western Ontario
Badminton Association [08OCT2001]
- ODBA Ottawa District Badminton Association [22AUG2002]
- BPEI Badminton
Prince Edward Island [25SEP2014]
- BQ Badminton
Quebec [05JUL2001]
- ARBAT Association Régionale de Badminton de l'Abitibi-Témiscamingue [25SEP2014]
- ARBL Association Régionale de Badminton de Laval [25SEP2014]
- ARBO Outaouais Regional Badminton Association [25SEP2014]
- SBA Saskatchewan Badminton Association [23JAN2000]
Yukon Badminton Association [20FEB2015]
- Mexico (FMB) Federación Mexicana de Badminton
- Hidalgo
Asociación Hidalguense de Bádminton [23SEP2014]
- United States (USAB) USA Badminton -
National Organization
USA has limited regional structures with most play being within clubs or
local tournaments
USA Badminton Museum - repository of all things Badminton in the USA
American Badminton Association - focuses on players at all levels.
new as of 2013. [23NOV2014] - defunct as of 2017
- NEBA Northeast Badminton Association
(Region 1) [18OCT2021]
- MBA Midwest Badminton Association
(Region 2) [28OCT2008]
- SBA Southern Badminton
Association (Region 3) [02JUL2001]
- NWBA Northwest
Badminton Association (Region 4) [28OCT2008]
- SWBA Southwest Badminton Association
(Region 5)
- CWBA Central West
Badminton Association (Region 6) [18AUG2020]
- Europe
Europe (BEC) Badminton
Europe Confederation [26AUG2014]
- Albania [10SEP2014]
- Armenia (BF) Badminton
Federation of Armenia (Հայաստանի Բադմինթոնի Ֆեդերացիա) [09SEP2014]
- Austria (ABA) Austrian Badminton Association (ÖBV -
Österreichischer Badminton Verband) [06MAR1998]
- Innsbruck (TBV)
Innsbruck Badminton Association (Tiroler
Badmintonverband) [27AUG2014]
- Salzburg (SBV) Salzburg Badminton Association (Salzburger
Badmintonverband) [27AUG2014]
- Vienna (WBV) Viennese Badminton
Association (Wiener Badmintonverband) [25AUG2014]
- Azerbaijan [10SEP2014]
- Balkans (BBA) Balkan
Badminton Association (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
Bulgaria, Croatia,
Macedonia, Greece, Moldova,
Romania, Serbia and
Turkey) [09SEP2014]
Belarus [10SEP2014]
- Belgium (BBF) Belgian
Badminton Federation
- BL Badminton
Limburg (Limburg) [20SEP2014]
- BV Badminton
Vlaanderen (Flanders) [20SEP2014]
- PBA Provinciale Badmintonraad Antwerpen
(Antwerp) [11FEB2000]
- PBO Provinciale
Badmintonraad Oost-Vlaanderen (East Flanders) [04MAR2015]
- WVBF West Vlaamse Badminton
Federatie (West Flanders) [04MAR2015]
- Bulgaria (BBF) Bulgarian Badminton Federation (Българска федерация Бадминтон) [14NOV2020]
- Croatia (CBA) Croatian Badminton Association
(Hrvatski Badmintonski Savez) [28JAN2000]
- Cyprus (CBF) Cyprus Badminton Federation [22AUG2014]
- Czech Republic (CBS) Czech
Republic Badminton (Cesky Badmintonovy Svaz) [09SEP2014]
- Denmark (DBF) Danish Badminton Federation.
(English version) [22AUG2014]
- BD Badminton
Denmark - player organization [20FEB2015]
- England (BE)
Badminton England (formerly
Badminton Association of England)
Strong central organization with deep league structure at
local/county/regional levels.
EBAD English Badminton
Association for the Disabled [06DEC2014]
BUAE Badminton Umpires Association of England [25SEP2014]
SBL Shires Badminton League [01SEP2015]
BMF Badminton Malayalee Federation [29JUL2017]
- ABA Avon Badminton
Association [22AUG2014]
- ASBA Avon Schools
Badminton Association [20FEB2015]
- Mid Glos Badminton League
- ADBA Aylesbury & District Badminton Association
- BHDBL Barking, Havering & District Badminton League
- BDBL Barnsley & District Badminton League
Bedfordshire Badminton Association [25SEP2014]
Berkshire Junior Badminton Association [22AUG2014
- BCDBA Bognor, Chichester
& District Badminton Association[25SEP2014]
- BDBA Bracknell & District Badminton Association [25SEP2014]
- BB Badminton
Bradford [25SEP2014]
- BB Badminton
Buckinghamshire [26SEP2014]
Cambridgeshire Badminton Association [26AUG2014]
- CDBL Castleford & District Badminton League [25SEP2014]
- CADBA Chalfont &
District Badminton Association [10OCT2008]
- CDBF Chelmsford & District Badminton Federation [23SEP2014]
- CCBA Cheshire
County Badminton Association [03JAN2001]
Badminton Network promoting Badminton in South Warrington
- Chester & District Badminton League [25SEP2014]
- Crewe & District Badminton League [26AUG2014]
- Manchester
& District Badminton League [26AUG2014]
- Wirral Badminton League [25SEP2014]
- Warrington & District Badminton League [25SEP2014]
- CBL Chesterfield Badminton League
Cornwall Badminton Association
- CBA Coventry
Badminton Association [23SEP2014]
- CBA Cumbria Badminton Association [23SEP2014]
- Penrith &
District Badminton League
- DDBL Darlington District Badminton League
- DBA Derbyshire Badminton Association
- DCBA Devon
County Badminton Association [25SEP2014]
- Exeter & District Badminton League [25SEP2014]
- Plymouth
& District Badminton League [25SEP2014]
- Torbay & District Badminton Association [25SEP2014]
- DBA Dorset Badminton Association [25SEP2014]
- DCBA Durham County
Badminton Association
- ECBA Essex County Badminton Association
- BG Badminton Cloucestershire
- HDBA Hamilton & District Badminton Association
- Hampshire Badminton
Association [26AUG2014]
- HBA Herefordshire Badminton Association
- HWADBA High Wycombe &
District Badminton Association [10OCT2008]
- IOMBA Isle of Man
Badminton Association [26AUG2014]
- IWBA Isle of Wight Badminton Association
- KB Kent Badminton
- RDBL Rainham & District Badminton League
- TWBL Tundridge Wells Badminton League
- NFRBA North Foreland Regional Badminton Association
- MBA Medway Badminton Association
- ONWKBA Orpington & NW Kent Badminton Association
Lancashire County Badminton Association [26AUG2014]
- Blackburn
& District Badminton Association [26SEP2014]
- Blackpool & District Badminton Association [25SEP2014]
- Bolton Badminton League[26SEP2014]
- Liverpool
& District Badminton League [01AUG2007]
Lanchashire Junior Badminton
- Manchester
Badminton League [26SEP2014]
- Rossendale
Badminton League [26SEP2014]
- Southport & District Badminton League
- St Helens & District Badminton League
- Whitefield & District Badminton League
- Wigan Badminton League
- LDBA Leamington & District Badminton Association [25SEP2014]
- LDBL Leeds & District Badminton
League [25SEP2014]
- LBA Leicestershire Badminton Association
- LBA Lincolnshire Badminton Association
Sussex & District Badminton Association
Middlesex County Badminton Association [06NOV2004]
- Barnet &
District Badminton League
- HBA Hertfordshire
Badminton Association [26AUG2014]
- Hounslow
Badminton Association [26SEP2014]
- MKDBA Milton
Keynes District Badminton Association
- NDBA Newbury & District Badminton Association [25SEP2014]
- NBA Norfolk Badminton Association
- NBA Northumberland Badminton Association
- NSBA Nottinghamshire
Badminton Association
- ORBL Oldham & Rochdale
Badminton League [26AUG2014]
Oxfordhsire Badminton Association [26SEP2014]
- RBA Reading
Badminton Association [22AUG2014]
- RDBA Rugby & District Badminton Association [25SEP2014]
- SDBA Salisbury
& District Badminton Association [25SEP2014]
- BS Badminton Sheffield
- SCBA Shropshire County Badminton Association
- SDBL Solihull District Badminton League
- SBA Somerset Badminton Association
SCBA Southwest Counties Badminton Association
- SCBA Staffordshire County Badminton Association
Stockport & District Badminton League [09OCT2004]
- SBA Suffolk Badminton Association [25SEP2014]
- Ipswich & District Badminton League [25SEP2014]
- Newmarket Badminton Federation [25SEP2014]
- Bury & District Badminton League [25SEP2014]
- SCBA Surrey
County Badminton Association [24APR2006]
- SCBA Sussex County Badminton Association
- SDBA Swindon & District Badminton Association
Warwickshire Badminton Association [26AUG2014]
Wiltshire County Badminton Association
Yorkshire Badminton Association.
- Estonia (ES) Badminton Estonia (Eesti Sulgpalliliit) [09SEP2014]
- Faroe Islands Badmintonsamband Føroya
- Finland (BF) Badminton
Finland (Suomen Sulkapalloliitto) [27AUG2014]
- France (FFBA) French Badminton
Association (Federation Francaise De Badminton) [03APR2005]
- Germany (DBV) Deutscher
Badminton Verband (German National Association) [22AUG2014]
- BVBB Badminton-Verband
Berlin-Brandenburg [23AUG2014]
- BBV Bremer
Badminton-Verband [23OCT2001]
- BLV-NRW Badminton-Landesverband
- BVMV Badminton Verband
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern [23AUG2014]
- BBV Bayerischer
Badminton Verband [23OCT2001]
- BWBV Baden-Württembergischer
Badminton Verband [23OCT2001]
- BVMV Badminton
Verbandes Mecklenburg-Vorpommern [24AUG2014]
Hessischer Badminton Verband [23OCT2001]
- BVRP Badminton Verband
Rheinhessen-Pfalz [23OCT2001]
- NBV Niedersächsischer
Badminton-Verband (Lower Saxony) [23OCT2001]
- SHBV Schleswig-Holsteinischer
Badminton Verband [25AUG2014]
- Gruppe Nord Northern Germany [26NOV2014]
- HBV Hamburger Badminton Verband [26NOV2014]
- BVR Badminton Verband Rheinland [26NOV2014]
- HBV Hessischer Badminton-Verband [26NOV2014]
- TSV Thüringer Badminton Verband [26NOV2014]
- BVS LV Sachsen [26NOV2014]
- BLSA Badminton LV Sachsen-Anhalt [26NOV2014]
- BLS Badminton LV Saarland [26NOV2014]
Gibraltar (GB) Gibraltar Badminton Association [09SEP2014]
- Greece (HBF) Hellenic Badminton Federation (Ελληνική Ομοσπονδία Φιλάθλων Σωματείων Αντιπτέρισης) [14NOV2020]
- Greenland (BKN) Greenland Badminton
Federation (Badminton Kalaallit Nunaat) [28JAN2004]
- Guernsey (GBA) Guernsey Badminton
Association [27AUG2014]
- Hungary (HBA) Hungarian Badminton
Association (Magyar Tollaslabda Szovetseg) [30AUG2007]
- Iceland (BAI) Badminton Association of Iceland
(Badmintonsamband Íslands) [10SEP2014]
- Ireland (BI) Badminton Ireland
CBBI Connacht Branch of
Badminon Ireland
- GCBA Galway County Badminton
Association [08SEP2014]
- RCBA Roscommon County Badminton Association
LBBUI Leinster Branch of
Badminton Ireland [08SEP2014]
Kildare Badminton Association [09SEP2014]
- LBA Laois Badminton Association [27SEP2014]
- LB Louth Badminton Association [09SEP2014]
- MBA Meath Badminton Association
- WB Westmeath Badminton
- WBA Wicklow Badminton Association [24JUN2016]
Wexford Badminton Association [27SEP2014]
MBBI Munster Branch of Badminton Ireland
- CCBA Cork County Badminton Association
- TCBA Tipperary County Badminton Association
- UBBUI Ulster
Branch of Badminton Ireland [08SEP2014]
Coleraine & District Badminton Association [23SEP2014]
- NDBL North
Down Badminton League [23SEP2014]
Ulster Badminton League [23SEP2014]
- BBL Ballinderry Badminton League [23SEP2014]
- MBA County Monaghan Badminton Association
CVBL Clogher Valley & Western District Badminton League
COIBL Church of Ireland
Badminton League [27SEP2014]
MBL Midland Badminton League
South West Leinster Badminton League [26AUG2014]
- PBAI Pinoy Badminton Association [08SEP2014]
Israel (IBA) Israeli
Badminton Association [8DEC2005]
Italy (FEB) Italian
Badminton Federation (Federazione Italiana Badminton) [01OCT2014]
- Jersey (JBA) Jersey Badminton Association
- Latvia (LBF) Latvia
Badminton Federation (Latvijas Badmintona Federaciia) [09SEP2014]
- Lithuania (LBF) Lithuania Badminton Federation (Lietuvos Badmintono Federacija) [09SEP2014]
- Luxembourg (FELUBA) Luxembourg
Badminton Federation [09SEP2014]
(MBA) Macedonian Badminton Federation ( БАДМИНТОН ФЕДЕРАЦИЈА НА МАКЕДОНИЈА ) [14NOV2020]
- Malta (BM) Malta Badminton Association
- Moldova (MBF) Moldovian Badminton Federation [09SEP2014]
Monaco (FMBad) Badminton federation of Monaco (Fédération
Monégasque de Badminton) [09SEP2014]
- Netherlands (BN) Netherlands Badminton Federation (Badminton
Nederland) [09SEP2014]
- Northern Ireland -see Ulster Province
- Norway (NBF) Norway
Badminton (Norges Badminton Forbund) [09SEP2014]
- Poland (PZB) Polish Badminton Association
(Polski Zwiazek Badmintona) [27AUG2014]
- Portugal (FPB) Portuguese Federation of Badminton
(Federacao Portuguesa de Badminton) [04JUL2000]
- Romania (FRB) Romanian Badminton Federation (Federatia Romana de
Badminton) [09SEP2014]
- Russia (NBFR) National Badminton
Federation of Russia (Национальная Федерация Б��дминтона России) [14NOV2020]
- Scotland (SBU) Scottish Badminton Union [08JAN2008]
- BBG Borders
Badminton Group [15NOV2022]
- MBG Midland
Badminton Group [15NOV2022]
- GNSBG Glasgow
& North Strathclyde Badminton Group [15NOV2022]
Glascow & District Churches Badminton Association
Highland Badminton Group [09SEP2014]
Lanarkshire Badminton Group [15NOV2022]
Lanarkshire Schools
Badminton Association [15NOV2022]
- LBG Lothian
Badminton Group [09SEP2014]
- NEBG Northeast
Badminton Group [15NOV2022]
- DGG Dumfries and Galloway Group
- WSG West of
Scotland Group [15NOV2022]
Caithness Badminton Association [15NOV2022]
- DABA Dundee
Area Badminton Association [16JUN2002]
- OBA Orkney Badminton
Association [08JAN2008]
SBA Shetland Badminton
Association [27AUG2014]
- SDBL Stirling District Badminton League
- Serbia (BSS) Serbian Badminton Federation (Badminton Savez Srbije) [09SEP2014]
- Slovakia (SZBe) Slovakian Badminton Federation (Slovenský zväz
bedmintonu) [09SEP2014]
- Slovenia (BZS) Badminton Association of Slovenia (Badmintonska zveze
Slovenije) [22AUG2002]
- Spain (FESBA) Spanish Badminton Association (Federación
Española De Badminton) [26DEC1999]
- Andalusia (FB) Andalusia Badminton Federation (Federación Andaluza De Badminton)
- Aragon (FARBA) Aragon Badminton Federation (Federación Aragonesa de Bádminton) [23SEP2014]
- Cantabria (FECBA) Cantabria
Badminton Federation (Federación
Cántabra de Bádminton) [23SEP2014]
- Castilla-La Mancha (FBCLM)
Castilla-La Mancha Badminton Federation (Federación de Bádminton de Castilla La Mancha) [23SEP2014]
- Castilla y Leon (FECLEBA)
Castilla y Leon Badminton Federation (Federación de Bádminton de Castilla y León) [23SEP2014]
- Catalonia (FECAB) Catalonia Badminton Federation (Federació Catalana Bàdminton) [23SEP2014]
- Extremadura (FEXBA)
Extremadura Badminton Federation (Federación Extremeña de Bádminton)
- Madrid (BM) Madrid Badminton Federation (Federación Madrileña de Bádminton)
- Navarra (FNB)
NavarraBadminton Federation (Federación Navarra de Badminton) [23SEP2014]
- La Rioja (FRIBA) Badminton Federation (Federación de Badminton de la Rioja)
- Valencian Community (FBCV)
Valencia Badminton Federation (Federación Valenciana de Badminton)
- Sweden (SBF) Swedish Badminton Association (Svenska
Badmintonförbundet) [06MAR1998]
- Switzerland (SB) Swiss Badminton [22JUN2003]
- Turkey (TBF) Turkish
Badminton Federation (Türkiye Badminton
Federasyonu) [09SEP2014]
- United Kingdown (England, Gibraltar,
Scotland, Wales)
Royal Marines Badminton Association [29MAR2020]
- RNBA Royal Navy Badminton Association
Army Badminton Association [29MAR2020]
RAFBA Royal Air
Force Badminton Association [29MAR2020]
- Ukranian Badminton Federation [6MAR2011]
- KBF Kharkiv
Badminton Federation [23SEP2014]
- Wales Badminton Union
of Wales [21MAR2020]
- Oceania
Oceania Badminton Regional organization
- Australia (BA)Badminton Australia
- CBA Central
Badminton Association ( Melbourne) [23MAR2020]
- ACT Capital Territory Badminton
Association [23MAR2020]
- NSWBA New South Wales
Badminton Association
- NTBA Northern
Territory Badminton Association
- QBA Queensland Badminton
GCBA Gold Coast Badminton Association [06DEC2014]
- BMAQ Badminton Masters Association of Queensland [06DEC2014]
- SCBA Sunshine Coast Badminton Association [06DEC2014]
- BBA Brisbane
Badminton Association [18JUL2009]
- SABA South Australia
Badminton Association
- BVI Badminton
Victoria Inc.
East Gippsland Badminton Association [03AUG2015]
- BV Badminton
- BAWA Western Australia
Badminton Association
- STBA Southern Tasmania Badminton
- NTBA Northern Tasmania Badminton
- SBA Sydney Badminton Association,
Australia [29JUL1996]
- GBAS Greater Badminton Association of Sydney
- BBA Ballarat Badminton Association, Victoria, Australia
Guam (GNBF)
Guam National Badminton Federation [09SEP2014]
New Zealand (BNZ) Badminton New Zealand
North Island
South Island
- Canterbury
Badminton Canterbury [28AUG2014]
- Marlborough
Badminton Marlborough [28AUG2014]
- Otago Otago
Badminton Association [28AUG2014]
- Southland
Badminton Southland [28AUG2014]
- Nelson Nelson
Badminton Association [28AUG2014]
- South
Canterbury South Canterbury Badminton Association [28AUG2014]
- TBF Tahiti Badminton
Federation (Fédération Tahitienne de Badminton). [15JUN2009]
- Asia
Asia Badminton Regional organization
- BAI Badminton
Association of India [09SEP2014]
- West Bengal Badminton Association
DCBA Delhi
Capital Badminton Association
- Gujarat Badminton Association
Haryana Badminton Association
- Karnataka Badminton Association
- TCDBA Thane City &
District Badminton Association
- KBA Karnataka Badminton
- MPBA Madhya Pradesh Badminton Association
- MBA Maharashtra Badminton Association
- PDMBA Poona District
& Metropolitan Badminton Association [24NOV2021]
- TNBA Tamil Nadu Badminton Association
- CDBA Chennai District Badminton Association
- BAM Badminton Association of Malaysia [12JUN2002]
- BAM Badminton
Association of Maldives [20FEB2015]
- BAT Badminton
Association of Thailand [18JUL2009]
- CBA Chinese
Badminton Association [08AUG2014]
- CTBA Chinese Taipei
Badminton Association
- HKBA Hong Kong Badminton Association
- PBSI Indonesia Badminton Association (Persatuan Bulutangkis Suluruh Indonesia)
- BKA Korean Badminton Association
- FBM Badminton
Federation of Macau (Federacao de Badminton de Macau)
- Nepal
(NBA) Nepal Badminton Association [22FEB2015]
- NBA Nippon Badminton Association
- PBF Pakistan
Badminton Federation [16JUL2018]
- PBA Philippine Badminton Association [23SEP2014]
- SBA Singapore
Badminton Association [18JUL2009]
- Sri Lanka (BASL) Sri Lanka Badminton Association [18JUL2009]
- MBA Mercantile
Badminton Association [20FEB2015]
- Africa
Africa Badminton Regional Organization
BCA Badminton Confederation
of Africa [06SEP2015]
- BFN Badminton
Federation of Nigeria [23SEP2014]
- BK Badminton
Kenya [23SEP2014]
- FIBAD Federation Ivoirienne de Badminton (Ivory Coast Badminton
Federation) [06SEP2015]
- UBA Uganda
Badminton Association [09SEP2014]
- BSA Badminton South Africa [28JAN2006]
Sports Association and Olympic Committee [11SEP2015]
University Sports South Africa [11SEP2015]
NGBA Northern Gauteng
Badminton Association [30SEP2014]
- SGBA Southern Gauteng
Badminton Association [09SEP2014]
- Mediterranean
COMEBA Confederation of Mediterranean
- Central and South America and Carribean
Pan American Badminton Regional organization [18JUL2009]
- Argentina
(BA) Badminton
Argentina [13SEP2003]
- Barbados (BBA)
Barbados Badminton Association [23SEP2014]
- Bermuda (BBA) Bermuda
Badminton Association [20FEB2015]
- Bolivia (BB)
Badminton Bolivia [27AUG2014]
- Brazil (CBBd) Confederação Brasileira de Badminton ( Brazilian Badminton
Federation ) [31JAN2006]
- FEBASP- Badminton Federation of Sao Paulo. [6AUG2013]
- FGB Federação Gaúcha de Badminton
- BFP Badminton Federação Paranaense
- FEBARJ Federação de Badminton do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
- FCB Federação Capixaba de Badminton
- FSBd Federação Sergipana de Badminton
- FEBAPB Federação de Badminton do Estado da Paraíba
- FEBAP Federação de Badminton do Amapá
- FNBd Federação Norteriograndense de Badminton
- FEBACE Federação de Badminton do Ceará
Dominican Republic (FEDOBAD) Dominican Republic Badminton Federation (Federación
Dominicana de Bádminton) [23SEP2014]
- Guatemala (FNBG)
Gautemalan Badminton Federation [28AUG2014]
- Guyana (GBA) Guyana Badminton Association [23SEP2014]
- Jamaica (JBA) Jamaica
Badminton Association [23SEP2014]
- Mexico (FEMEBA) Mexican Badminton Federation [28AUG2014]
- Panama
(UPANBAD) Unión Panameña de Badminton
- Paraguay (FPB) Paraguay
Badminton Federation (Federación Paraguaya de Bádminton) [23SEP2014]
- Peru (FDPB) Peruvian
Badminton Federation [27AUG2014]
- Puerto Rico (FEPURBA) Puerto Rico
Badminton Federation (Federación Puertorriquena de Bádminton) [23SEP2014]
- Trinidad and Tobago (TTBA) Trinidad and Tobago
Badminton Association [27AUG2014]
Surinaamse Badminton Bond. Surinam. [27AUG2014]
- North America - Colleges and Universities
Most major colleges have intramural Badminton if not competitive teams.
Collegiate Leagues
Southern California
Northern California
Other US regions
- North America - Primary and Secondary Schools
Many states offer Badminton along with other team sports
PSAL New York City High School Badminton - new for 2014
- GMAC Florida High School Badminton
- AIA Arizona High School Badminton
IHSA Illinois High School Association - Girl's Badminton
- CIF California Interscholastic Federation [25FEB2015]
- CCSCentral Coast - coed [25FEB2015]
- NCS North Coast - coed [25FEB2015]
- SF San Francisco - coed [25FEB2015]
- SJS Sacramento/San Joaquin - girls [25FEB2015]
- OSOakland - girls [25FEB2015]
- SS Southern Section - coed [25FEB2015]
- SD San Diego - coed [25FEB2015]
- MSHSL Minnesota State
High School League - Girl's Badminton
- NSSAF Nova Scotia
Schools Athletic Federation Badminton [02OCT2016]
Tournament Information
Player Information
Also check the various major Organizations since most will have local news at least.
Dedicated Badminton sites:
- Badminton Europe Magazine
Online magazine. Focus on European Badminton players. [06OCT2015]
- Badminton Hotspots
Extensive site including news for Badminton, focusing on
Germany. [24JUN2015]
Badminton Unlimited BWF News Programming.
(direct links:
2014). [08APR2015]
Badminton People
News, Forums, videos. Requires login. European focus.
Badminton Planet News, videos. [28SEP2014]
Badminton Monthly News, Pictures, USA Tournament schedules [10OCT2014]
Badminton Freak
News, videos. [28SEP2014]
Badminton Live watch Badminton events as they happen. [14AUG2014]
BBC Badminton BBC coverage of Badminton [20SEP2014]
Badminton Link
current news, videos and much more [10AUG2014]
- Badminton Central intro to badminton, help guides,
very active discussion forums, equipment review [25JUN2006]
- Badminton Scoreboard
Live and Archived Tournament Scores [30OCT2012]
- Badzine- Badminton World News in English, French
and German [2FEB2007]
- BadmintonLine News and
Forum. In Dutch. [9JUN2010]
More general sites that also include Badminton.
Other Information Sources was created in early 1995 to be a starting point
for anything in the world related to badminton. While there may be a separate commercial
site at
some point, you will not be subjected to any advertising at this site, nor will you be
subjected to cookies, pop-up surveys, flash pages or other objectionable content. Free
space is available here for any non-commercial badminton related
The information here has been gathered from many sources. It is intended for use by the
world-wide badminton community. As such you are highly encouraged to submit any
information which may be of interest either to your local area or to any larger audience.
Please correct or update anything that you find here and feel free to offer suggestions.
© 1995-2025. All Rights Reserved.
Stan Bischof (
Last updated
02 March 2025 10:04.