Wine Country Games 2015 - Women's Doubles

For the second time the Wine Country Games offers Badminton. For the rest of the games, see .  For match times see the schedule.

For Women's Doubles, a Mixed Round Robin is used: all combinations of players are tested and each individual is ranked.

                                                              2015 Wine Country Games

                                                       June 7, 2015 Santa Rosa Junior College

                                                            ______Womens Doubles_____________

__Jacky Myers_______                          | __Jacky Myers_______
a_Karen Fishback____   \                      | a_Ann Galantine_____   \ 
b                   ( 1 )_Myers/Fishback_____ | d                   ( 3 )_Myers/Galantine____
__Peggy Gouw________   /    7,8               | __Karen Fishback____   /    10,10
c_Ann Galantine_____                          | b_Peggy Gouw________
d                                             | c                                      
                                              |    RESULTS                 Match    Games    Points
__Jacky Myers_______                          |                            Record   Lost     Lost
a_Peggy Gouw________   \                      |                            
c                   ( 2 )_Myers/Gouw_________ | 1. _Jacky Myers________    _3-0__   _0____   _57___            
__Karen Fishback____   /    14,8              |
b_Ann Galantine_____                          | 2. Karen Fishback______    _1-2__   _4____   _99___
d                                             |
                                              | 3. Ann Galantine_______    _1-2__   _4____   _104__
                                              | 4. Peggy Gouw__________    _1-2__   _4____   _106__



Gold    Jack Myers
Silver  Karen Fishback
Bronze  Ann Galantine

Age groups___

50  G  Jacky Myers
60  G  Ann Galantine
65  G  Peggy Gouw
70  G  Karen Fishback

Page maintained by Stan Bischof. Last update: 10 Jun 2015 14:14