1996 Stanford ABCD Badminton Tournament

1996 Stanford ABCD Badminton Tournament (Sat-Sun, MAY 18-19, 1996)

Name:	  	______________________
Address:  	______________________
Phone:  	(____)_________________

			A       B       C       D       Partner
Men*s Doubles
Women*s Doubles
Mixed Doubles

Stanford Badminton Club
Ford Center, behind Burnham Pavillion on the Stanford University campus.
On the corner of Galvez St. and Serra St.  The map to the gym is on the
back of this sheet.
A, B, C, and D flights for men*s and women*s singles, doubles, and mixed
doubles.  The tournament commitee reserves the right to combine or cancel
any events.
Singles and mixed doubles will be held exclusively on Saturday while
doubles will be held only on Sunday.  Both days will begin at 9:00 a.m.
and concluding times will depend on participation level.  A 5-minute
default rule will be strictly enforced.  Please arrive at least 15 minutes
before your first match to register at the tournament desk.

$8.00 per event.  Maximum of three (3) events per player.  Players may
only enter in one flight of each event.  Entries for more than one flight
in the same event will be placed in the higher flight.  Make checks
payable to:
 	Stanford Badminton Club.
Entries must be received by Friday, May 10.  Entries or questions may be
mailed or e-mailed to:
	Lily Chen, PO Box 10706, Stanford, CA 94309
     Email: lilychen@leland.stanford.edu.
	Phone: 415-497-4131
Please try to mail or e-mail entries as far in advance as possible.
Phone-in and late entries will be charged $2 extra.  Entries received
after May 10th will be put into the draw at the discretion of the
tournament committee.  No refunds after the draw is made.
All winners and runners-up in championship flights, and all consolation
winners will receive awards.
All players will need to sign a waiver when they check in at the
tournament desk.


As provided by Lily Kuan-Yu Chen , last rev: 15APR96