Tartu University Student Tournament,1996.

It seems that the 1st tournament in May 1995 in Tartu turned out well. We think that we can do it better, so the next one is coming. It will take place May 3-5, 1996. As many of you still haven't visited this small but notable country of Estonia we invite you to come and see it with your own eyes. To have a feeling of a real participant of the tournament you need to take a racket, shuttles - A, B & C feather and D nylon ones, sleeping bag and mattress (if needed?!) with you. There will be 5 disciplines in each class: MS, LS, MD, LD & MXD. You have to select 2 of your favourite disciplines. Partners in double and mixed entries will be raffled off.


Participation fee

The participation fee is 640.- EEK (80.-DM) per person.
This includes: 
               4 nights accommodation 
               4 breakfasts     (May 3rd-6th) 
               3 lunches        (May 3rd-5th) 
               4 dinners        (May 2nd-5th) 
This fee doesn't include travel expenses, shuttles and drinks during parties. 


For April 1st, 1996 please send us the registration list which must include 
               surname and first name 
               class ( A, B, C, D) 
               2 favourite disciplines 


Tartu University Sports Centre 
Jakobi 5 
EE2400 Tartu 
Fax: 372 7 465440       Phones: 372 7 486495 Kaia Nurk 
     372 79 97315               372 7 488482 Triin Mäesalu 
                                372 7 476276 Piret Paris 
E-mail: david@ut.ee