Tournament Theme-Survival Of The Fittest
Main Gym of Chabot College, Hayward, California

This year Majassin Badminton Corp. Sdn. Bhd. will sponsor the Open Men Singles event, called THE ASSASSIN, and award a significant amount of cash price for the gold medallist. The Grand Award for THE 1998 ASSASSIN is USD$2,000 for the gold medallist. There will be AWARDS for all events.

Championship Time

Singles and Mixed Doubles - Saturday, June 6th
                  Doubles - Sunday, June 7th
The Assassin Championship will officially commence at 8:00am. Please check your starting time after June 2nd.
All Finals will be on June 7th, after all other games are completed.

Entry Deadline

All entries must be received by May 21st, 1998. However, there is a limit on the number of entries in each event and priorities are given on the basis of the date your application and your entry fees are received.


Tournament Chairperson Yee Ong, (510)486-1728

Tournament Committee
Paul Roo      Mike Lynch      Tra Minh Thach      Stella Chan


There will be singles, doubles, and mixed doubles for all flights. This is a C drop D tournament. In other words, players who don't make it in the first round of the C flight will play in D. So, if you think that you are a D player, you would need to sign up for C flight. No consolation rounds for Open Men Singles.

Entry Fees

Open & B Flights: $29 for the first event + $16 for each additional event.
         (Includes 6 Assassin Shuttlecocks)
C & D Flights: $22 for the first event + $16 for each additional event. 
         (Includes 3 Assassin Shuttlecocks)
Each participant will receive an Assassin souvenir.
Tournament fees go by the higher flight level if you play in two different fligts.
International players processing fees are $35 per person.
Tournament is sanctioned by USAB.  $5 fee is required if not USAB member.


  1. Participants are only allowed to play in one flight for each event.
  2. All Open and B flight players MUST use Assassin's Shuttlecocks or we will have the right to void your wins or totally disqualify you from the tournament. This is to ensure impartiality of results. Assassin shuttlecocks is the Official Shuttlecocks for this tournament and will be available for purchase at the tournament.
  3. A strict 5 minutes default rule would be enforced.
  4. All participants are required to be attired in mostly white and in badminton court shoes, which meets IBF regulation 14-18.
  5. Doubles and Mixed teams must play in the flight of the higher ranked player.
[ Entry Form ] [Awards ]
[ Direction to Chabot College ] [ Hotel Reservations ] [ Transportation ]
[ List of Participants and Starting Time ] [ Draw ]
[ Assassin Products ] [ USAB ] [ IBF ]