Bay Area Open Spring 2002

18-20 January 2002

San Jose State University, San Jose CA

NOTE: This is a local mirror for your convenience. The official web site for this tournament is 

THEME: The New Era
WHEN: January 18th, 19th, and 20th
SITE: San Jose State University
Badminton Center
One Washington Square
San Jose, CA 95192
( Yahoo! map )
EVENTS: A, B, C and D. Flights in Singles, Doubles, and Mixed Doubles.
Senior (50+) in Doubles and Mixed Doubles ONLY.
Some events might be modified, combined or canceled as necessary.
Players are allowed to play 2 flights maximum per day.
Tournament will be run using the 3 games by 15 points format for more fun and excitement!

Cash Prize range for the "A" 1st / 2nd / 3rd place winner shown on table below.

A - Men
AB - Women
A - Men
AB - Women
A - Mixed

1st Prize

2nd Prize

3rd Prize

















Use table below to determine fees. Players are allowed to play 2 flights maximum per day. Free t-shirt ($15 value) and entry in raffle to win prizes for entries received and paid on or before December 31, 2001.

NO REFUND after January 5, 2002.

1 event
2 events
3 events
Flight "A"
Flight "B","C", "D"
Flight Doubles "Senior 50+"

1237 South Mary Ave.
Sunnyvale, CA  94087


All entries submitted before December 31, 2001 will be eligible for the raffle drawing. A winner will be drawn from two groups and posted on the catalog and wall during the tournament. (Please bring a valid ID to claim the prize.) Prizes that are not claimed within 1 week after the tournament will be donated to the Cupertino Badminton Club. Prizes for the drawing is printed below:

Group 1 - entries from flight "A" & "B" : Yang-Yang WovenTi 8.0 ( MSRP $149 )
Group 2 - entries from flight "C", "D" & "Seniors" : GYang-Yang Woven Ti 4.0 ( MSRP $139 )

We would like to thank our sponsors for donating these racquets and sponsoring theBay Area Open Spring 2002.


All entry forms and payments must be received by January 11 , 2002.

Check or Money Order for payment must accompany the entry form. Entry will not be posted to the draw if no payment is attached/received. No phone-in-entry and late entries are accepted. Entry form is required for each individual player of doubles team. Tournament is limited to 150 entries.

No adding match during the day of the tournament.
Replacement of partner or player during the tournament might be allowed depending on circumstances.


The official shuttlecock is Gosen S-200 Gold feather tournamentshuttlecock. Only tournament grade shuttlecock must be used during any matches.

“D” may use Yonex Mavis 350 plastic/nylon shuttlecock only if both parties agreed prior to the match.

There will be a special sale on tournament grade shuttlecock at Badminton Alley booth during the tournament.


Please check our web site at for detail information about the tournament schedule after 11:00pm on January 16, 2002.

OFFICERS: David Chiu ( )
INQUIRIES: Please send all inquiries through email to and allow 2-3 days to reply. No phone inquiry please.

Alpha Sports, Badminton Alley , Gosen America, SJSU Badminton Center, USABNC & more sponsors will be added soon.

Help to continue the Bay Area Open tournament tradition by purchasing our sponsors products and services.

FORMS: • Brochure & Entry Form (PDF)
Entry Form (PDF)
• Entry Form (WORD)
Entry Form (HTML)
RESULTS: Newspaper Article 

Page Maintained by Stan Bischof ( . Last update: 26 January 2002 14:42