1999 Sudirman Cup - Ladies Singles

The Players

The Action

This is a remarkable and grueling singles match and a great example of how much of badminton is mental and not physical!

MPEG format so should be viewable on most any platform. These files need to be downloaded before viewing. They are NOT streaming video. Since they are fairly large files it is suggested that you use an FTP client that has "reget" capability. 

Sorry- no footage available. Game 1

?? minutes

MPEG: ??.mpg, ?? MB
MP2: ??.mpg, ?? MB

Sorry- no footage available. Game 2

?? minutes

MPEG: ??.mpg, ?? MB
MP2: ??.mpg, ?? MB

Game 3

31:12 minutes

MPEG: 1999SC_LSF_G3.mpg, 413 MB
MP2: 1999SC_LSF_G3-720a.mpg, 338 MB
1999SC_LSF_G3-720b.mpg, 672 MB

Page maintained by Stan Bischof (stan@worldbadminton.com) . Last updated: 10 February 2003 19:58