Competitive High School Badminton in Northern California
The NCS is a regional organization of the California-wide CIF, which organizes sports of all sorts at the high school level. We are fortunate enough to have Badminton as a competitive sport- one of only a handful of such leagues in the US. Each member league comprises a group of schools which compete among themselves for league titles and also select an all-star team to send to the NCS playoffs. At NCS individuals are recognized as well as schools. The format of the playoffs is a single-day double-elimination tournament. Each win moves the individual ahead and awards points to the school. The school with highest point total wins and receives a pennant.
This information is posted unofficially on behalf of NCS. I am a member coach but have no other affiliation. Please let me know if any of this has errors or omissions and I will make appropriate corrections. Stan Bischof ( . Page last modified 01 April 2016 11:05.