HELD JULY 12, 2000

An invited group of California high school and club coaches, teachers, administrators, local badminton association representatives, and a representative from USAB were assembled to discuss how regional/club badminton associations and national office could improve and enhance the current CIF high school Interscholastic badminton program. 

Purpose of the meeting:

CIF (California Interscholastic Federation, governing body for HS Athletics DATA:

Passed out and distributed CIF participation information which compiled information regarding number of Schools fielding teams, number of athletes. coed versus girls', number of state section, post season competitions, and average size of competitive teams were compared. A review of the findings are listed below:

  1. There are 10 CIF Sections In the state of California.
  2. 7 of the 10 CIF sections sanction badminton
  3. All 7 sections hold post season Individual Championships, and 5 out of 7 hold Team Championships
  4. 3 of 7 sections hold competition for girls only, and the other 4 sections are coed.
  5. Most schools field two level, varsity and junior varsity teams and even some have Frosh/soph levels. Competitive team average about 14 to 15 players, however this may differ in some sections. Some school do not cut athletes and have as many as 50 plus athletes who train but, only the top 15 compete
  6. Season of sport is in the spring, February to end of May. Most teams meet 5 days a week for a minimum of 3 hours, plus 5 Saturdays for CIF open tournaments.
  7. Approximately 5,070 athletes are Involved In the high school interscholastic program throughout the state.
  8. There are 985 schools in California. 164 field badminton teams.

There is an increasing uneasiness for some CIF sections that CIF may drop their sanction of badminton in the near future. There is a state rule which requires 25% of the schools in a section must field badminton teams in order for CIF to continue to sanction/sponsor post season events. It appears CIF is getting pressure from new sports which are seeking CIF sanctioning, and therefore, they are enforcing the 25% rule. Just this past spring the San Diego, CIF section enforced the 25% law and withdrew CIF's funding for the 2001 post season championships. This past year, two prominent coaches in the SD area fought to save the Championships. However, CIF will enforce the 25% rule this upcoming season and has withdrawn its funding for championship 2001 season(SD currently has 95 high school In section and only 18 field teams). After deliberation with officials the HS interscholastic badminton season will continue, but without CIF funding for the Championships. However, Carole Stowe and Sue Minnock, two SD coaches have set a plan into motion which will save the competition. Along with the two coaches, HL Corporation has graciously stepped in and offered to sponsor the Championship. CIF has agreed to the format and will allow the modifications.

It is important to understand the value of CIF sanctioning and how it effect the future of HS badminton. Past CIF history tells us why badminton maybe in jeopardy. A few years back two sports were dropped and have never been reinstated.. gymnastics and field hockey. Once CIF makes allowances regarding the 25% rule, the sport will always be in jeopardy. It is virtually impossible to reverse a CIF ruling once the sport is lost. Sports who have participation problems are always at the the mercy and discretion of the CIF officials and high school principals who have the power yearly to vote in favor or against. Unfortunately HS athletic department will follow CIF's lead. HS administrators are now being pressured by popularity of new sport and are running sport departments on limited funds. If badminton does not meet or increase their participation numbers or receive CIF sanctioning, then one of these new sports may put into badminton's place. example:floor hockey, girls water polo, girls golf and etc.

Because of the SD CIF ruling there is the potential other sections might enforce the 25% rule. Therefore, a major concern of the HS committee is to find ways to increase participation throughout the state. Increasing participation should be a major objective of the HS committee.


  1. Provides competitive experience for part of school community culture who would not normally participate in HS sports
  2. Present schools fielding teams are maintaining and/or increasing numbers.
  3. Provides for lifetime sport experience
  4. Unique sport experience, like no other. Camaraderie between players and opponents is extraordinary-few if any discipline problems.
  5. Students are academically oriented and usually excel in the classroom
  6. The only true coed sport In CIF
  7. There has been an increase in the number sanctioned CIF tournaments.
  8. May helps schools and athletic department meet Title IX laws
  9. Badminton continues to be one of the most popular electives In physical education curriculum
  10. HS programs offer many teens first time exposure to badminton.
  11. CIF gives badminton instant credibility, the name CIF is anonymous with excellence and gives the sport the same credibility as other sports on campus
  12. Some established team see graduates return to coach or fill other HS coaching vacancies
  1. Facility usage is difficult and sometimes impossible, therefore sport is not offered
  2. No college athletic scholarships offered
  3. No NCAA competition
  4. Few opportunities in community colleges and none for boys'
  5. Coaching vacancies can not be filled. Lack of coaches or pool of available candidates. No coach no program.
  6. Coaches too young/ little experienced , need certification program
  7. Inadequately funded athletic budgets
  8. Do not offer badminton in physical education curriculum. No lines on the gym floors and/or equipment available
  9. Intermediate schools do not offer badminton, therefore many high school students are never exposed to the sport
  10. Time of practice and matches interferes with availability of coaches and umpires
  11. Title IX may keep boys' from having opportunity to play sport
  12. Sport suffers from poor public image and does not get credibility from student body, teachers, coaches or administrators since they have never seen competitive badminton
  13. Suffers from poor or no newspaper coverage. and almost no local cable TV coverage
  14. Inadequate number of places to play. Too far and few, difficult for young player to get to facility
  15. The large group of Asians who play the sport have virtually no parental support for joining athletics... emphasis is for building academic success
  16. Limited or no private coaching available for HS students throughout the year
  17. An improved chain of communication between regional associations, colleges and universities needs to be developed. The college physical education classes and cultural clubs on campus are a future recruiting ground for HS coaches
  1. Open more facilities
  2. Increase intramural activity which can be a catalyst for recruiting athletes
  3. Provide more demonstrations and exhibitions on campuses to showcase "real badminton"
  4. Regional badminton clubs and organizations need to provide services which develop high school players
  5. National office must oversee regional programs and make sure they are Implemented
  6. Need incentives to motivate players to continue to train and be involved after graduation
  7. Recruit coaches and certify for potential vacated HS coaching positions
  8. Regional associations/clubs organize, select and provide awards night for "all- Star teams" and "coach of year"
  9. Regional organization provide staff for all -star post season team competition
  10. Regional organization appoints HS official chair so umpires can be smoothly assigned for CIF playoffs
  11. Try to encourage schools to have CIF move their championship start time to evening so availability to officials will improve and administrators and parents can attend match
  12. USAB needs a web site for HS Information
  13. Add USAB badminton link to CIF web page
  14. Provide a regional tournament circuit outside school season of sport in each section. Geographically rotate scheduled tournaments to key locations, SO HS players who have no means of transportation will have an opportunity to pursue competiton
  15. Offer at least one HS coaching clinic and player camp a season
  16. Provide regional scholarships for elite players...develop within the guidelines/rules of NCAA, CCL and amateur so players do not lose eligibility
  17. Identify elite HS athletes and refer elite to club program, college, regional and/or national teams try outs.

Following committee has volunteered to serve on the California HS Committee and will meet sometime in September, 2000. It is suggested each region develop programs which will increase HS participation and plaY, enhanCe present CIF programs, and provide Incentives which will motivate players to play year around and after graduation. Since each area of CIF is organized differently and the state is so large each regiOn will concentrate on organizing their own areas. However, there needs to be parallel programs throughout the state. Therefore, the ,following FOUR areas need to be immediately addressed and programs put into place Which will attempt to solve some of the problems:




*chair for the region 


  1. COACHING: Develop and establish means for recruiting new HS coaches, establish guidelines for simple certification of HS coaches, compile and publish a roster of prospective certified coaches for HS hiring, improve communication and recruit new coaches from physical education departments and athletic departments at universities, state colleges and community colleges. These people can fill coaching voids.
  2. INCENTIVES: Regional post season All-star Team competition, select weekly top 10 poll which is posted in local newspapers along side the other CIF polls, select and recognize All-Star Teams and Coaches of Year, local associations or clubs provide organization for All-Star Awards Night, provide scholarships for elite player(s), arrange for player clinics.
  3. COMPETITION: Provide HS tournament circuit outside season of sport for HS players only. Rotate the tournaments within the region to alleviate transportation problems. Use club or regional personnel to collect entries. Use local HS staff to run event and secure facilities. Keep tournament time short, maybe Friday evenings and Saturdays only, keep entry fee low and secure company to sponsor and provide awards to defray expense.
  4. RECRUIT NEW SCHOOL INTO CIF: Develop a plan on how to increase school participation. Ultimately this one item could be the demise of CIF HS badminton.