Longfields-Davidson Heights Badminton Club (LDHBC)


LDHBC remains CLOSED until further notice for Season 2022-23. No re-opening date is available this time.


If you are interested in membership with LDHBC, please send us your request for new membership in an e-mail. Please be sure to include your full name, telephone number(s), e-mail address(es), and your home address in the Barrhaven area in order to be added to our contact list about any openings at the Club that may be available for the upcoming season.



LDHBC starts the 2019-20 Full Season on Tuesday, September 17th, 2019, from 8 to 10 p.m. in Gym A/B at Longfields-Davidson Heights Secondary School (LDHSS). See the Schedule section on this website for more details regarding start and end dates, cancellations, etc.

Club Members must be between 18 and 65 years of age to play at the Club, and all players are required to wear indoor-only, non-marking, soft-soled court shoes in the gym.

The Club does not accept requests from Club members on behalf of any other badminton players. A request for future membership must come directly from each interested player's e-mail account. See CONTACT LDHBC at the end of this page or go to the Contact Us section on this website for more information.


LDHBC is OPEN for the new September 2019 to May 2020 Full Season starting on Tuesday, September 17th from 8 to 10 p.m.

Only registered Club Members or persons who have written permission in advance from the Club Executive are allowed in the gymnasium where the Club plays on Tuesday evenings.

Please be aware that we are currently unable to accept any guest player drop-ins for the foreseeable future, and all scheduled guest player drop-ins are on an indefinite hold. See the Guest Players section on this website for more details and for possible updates to the Guest Player Drop-In Schedule.




The Club is located at the newly-built Longfields-Davidson Heights Secondary School on 149 Berrigan Drive in Barrhaven, where Club members enjoy playing doubles' badminton in an excellent six-court hardwood gymnasium. The primary purpose of this new Club is to provide adults-only (between 18 and 65 years of age) male and female badminton players of various skill levels who reside in the Barrhaven area with their own local club. LDHBC is also affiliated with the Ottawa District Badminton Association (ODBA), giving members access to the larger badminton community in Ottawa, including fun and competitive tournaments, free teaching clinics for Club members, and social events.

The Club supplies yellow Yonex Mavis 300 nylon shuttles and yellow Black Knight TruFlight 4000 nylon shuttles,  and members play according to the 21-point rally scoring system. The Club uses a Game Board with members' nametags, which allows all members the same opportunity to choose players for his or her games as well as to enjoy games with as many different Club members as possible each evening.




The Club Membership Fee of $60 for New Members for the this season includes all available Tuesday play dates, shuttles, ODBA membership, and insurance coverage for the Club. Membership fees are non-refundable and memberships are not transferable to anyone else. Club members must bring their own badminton racquets, and every player is required to wear indoor-only, non-marking, soft-soled court shoes in the gym.


Based on the number of available dates for September to May, the cost of a Club membership works out to about $1.76 for each two-hour evening. The finalized OCDSB permit for 2019-20 provides 34 playdates for LDHBC after deducting cancellations for school activities, events, and holidays.


LDHBC is a completely volunteer-run, non-profit organization, so membership fees help to pay the costs of gymnasium rental and OCDSB administrative fees, insurance coverage for the Club, shuttles, ODBA fees, and any other expenses required for the Club's operation, activities, and events.




Please be aware that we are currently unable to accept any guest player drop-ins for the foreseeable future, and all scheduled guest player drop-ins are on an indefinite hold . See the Guest Players section on this website for more details and for possible updates to the Guest Player Drop-In Schedule.


Only registered Club Members or persons who have written permission in advance from the Club Executive are allowed in the gymnasium where the Club plays on Tuesday evenings.




If you are interested in playing at the Club as a Club Member or as a Guest Player*, please send an e-mail to the Club's e-mail address at longfields-davidsonheights.bc@hotmail.com. Contact information must include your first and last name, a telephone number(s), and your e-mail address(es). Interested badminton players must be between 18 and 65 years of age and residing in the Barrhaven area to be eligible for consideration for membership with LDHBC.


The Club does not accept requests for membership or guest player drop-in* on behalf of anyone else. Each interested badminton player needs to send an e-mail to the Club from his or her own e-mail address in order to be added to the Club's contact list and/or to request a guest player drop-in spot on a specific designated drop-in evening. Interested Guest Players must be between 18 and 65 years of age, and they need to see the Guest Players section on this website for instructions to reserve a drop-in spot and for the updated drop-in schedule regarding "Designated Tuesday Evenings Open for Guest Player Drop-Ins."


*Be sure to first check the Guest Players section to see if any drop-in evenings open to Guest Players have been posted yet to the drop-in schedule. Currently, we are unable to accept any guest player drop-ins for the foreseeable future, and all scheduled guest player drop-ins are on an indefinite hold.


Regarding badminton players who are interested in joining the Club, we will add your full name, telephone number(s), and e-mail address(es) to our contact list for future announcements about any possible openings at the Club.



Last revised on Tuesday, September 6, 2022.