Team handouts are available here for download.
You may use any resources you like but don't
expect to simply look up the answer- these are not trivia questions. You may
work individually or in teams, but ALL team members are expected to know and be
able to explain the answer.
20SEP2017 : Know the
Laws of Badminton
- due date: second team meeting
11JAN2018 : practice pushups - we will be doing many during practices - body
straight, head up, use shoulders, sets of 10
26FEB2018 : X < 2Y +6 and Y < 2X +6 What is the smallest possible value of X?
5MAR2018 : What are the missing two numbers? 4 1 5 9 2 6 ? ? 5
19MAR2018: If I could jump 8 feet high how long would I be in the air
before landing?
26MAR2018: A=45;X=(A>=45?1/sin(A):sin(A));X=?
Page maintained by Stan Bischof,
RUP High Badminton Coach. Last updated:
08 April 2018 08:57.