Healdsburg Badminton 2021

Healdsburg High School, home of the Greyhounds,  fields a badminton team that competes locally (NBL) and regionally (NCS). Healdsburg first joined SCL Badminton in 2017, then later moved to NBL in 2019 when local leagues were realigned.

April 2021: No badminton team this year-- sorry but just not enough players

Our School

Our Team    Handouts    Pictures    Practice and Meeting Schedule    League(NBL)

Matches and Team Events


Pre-Season and Out Of League Matches

In-Season Matches

Home matches start at 4:30. Away matches nominally start at 4:00PM so you will be leaving class early.


Fun, Games, Food, Misc.

Opponents' Schedules

For local schools see League Schedule

Previous Years

2019 2020  

Page maintained by Stan Bischof, Healdsburg High Badminton Coach. Last updated: 31 March 2021 15:42.